Friday, December 5, 2008


Sven progress: 18,684 (total word count: 29,303)

I'm a little behind due to Thanksgiving, but I'm hoping to make up for it this weekend. I would love to have this draft done before Christmas, which is possible, maybe, if I don't let myself get distracted with other things. The trouble is, I have several WIPs that want my attention right now, and sometimes it's hard to force myself to ignore those and just concentrate on this one.

* * * * * * * * * * *
"Well, those are only some of the questions to be answered as this story goes on. All good stories hide behind a tangle of questions, and it isn't easy to find out their dodges. And this story certainly has a mind of its own. But...if you ask the right questions it will whisper all its secrets to you. A story like this is a very talkative thing."
-Cornelia Funke, Inkdeath

I finished reading this book (the 3rd in the trilogy) tonight. If you haven't read the Inkheart series, I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I love Sven

So I've been completely slacking on the blog posts, obviously, but not on writing.

Total word count for the challenge so far: 15,533, not counting some rewriting/editing on a separate WIP.

I'd completely underestimated how helpful a challenge like this would be, but having a specific goal and deadline really seems to be working in getting me to sit down and write. Hopefully I can keep it up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

70 Days of Sweat

I've just signed up for this writing challenge. The goal is 60,000-100,000 words by Jan. 26.

I'm aiming to get 60k total to finish the first drafts of two of my WIPs.

Starting word counts:

WIP 1 - 47,300

WIP 2 - 10,615

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Little Bit About Me

I'm a young adult writer who apparently doesn't have enough ways to procrastinate, so I'm adding blogging to the list. :) I'm currently searching for an agent for my YA paranormal romance.

For anyone who's curious, a list of my books:

1. Middle-grade fantasy with fairies and portals and a sort-of ghost; complete - 70,000 words; sent about a dozen or so queries before I shoved it under the bed to concentrate on book 2, which has a much stronger hook

2. YA paranormal romance about a girl who falls in love with a boy who suffers from a curse that makes their relationship almost impossible; complete - 65,000 words; actively querying; 2 fulls out; lots more agents to go

3. YA paranormal romance; sequel to book above; rough first draft - 47,000 words, at least 10,000 more and a ton of editing needed

4. YA about a girl with a strange and inconvenient psychic ability; first draft currently stalled at 18,000 words while I try to decide where I want this to go

5. YA about a ghost who isn't dead and the girl he doesn't want to fall in love with; first draft - 8,000 words and counting


Hello, random people on the Internet. Welcome to my blog.