Tuesday, December 6, 2011


By Veronica Roth

I read this book over Thanksgiving break and I couldn't put it down. Loved, loved, loved it, and I wish I didn't have to wait till May to read the sequel.

It's a YA dystopia, and my best description is that it's a mix between The Giver, the first Harry Potter and Hunger Games.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Story Structure

Author Alexandra Sokoloff offers great tips for writers on her blog, especially on story structure.

Here are two story structure checklists to help you hit all the right elements at the right time in your plot. Really great for revising, or when you're stuck. Both checklists contain basically the same info, just presented in different ways:

Narrative structure cheat sheet

Story elements checklist

Check out her blog for complete explanations of each of the elements in her lists. Tons of great info, plus story analysis and breakdowns.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Carrie Ryan's Zombie Trilogy

I really liked the first book, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, but I loved, loved, loved the last two, The Dead-Tossed Waves and The Dark and Hollow Places. Just beautiful writing and rich, emotionally satisfying stories.

The trailers for all three books:


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Writing Tips

from author Nicola Morgan

Anyone who is writing a book should read this post. Great advice and reminders, no matter what stage you're at: Crabbit's Tips for Writers - 1: On Writing Fiction 

And a new way to tackle the dreaded synopsis: The key to a synopsis is to forget your book

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Poetry in Books

Agent Janet Reid hosted a contest to create a poem using book titles. Details here. Entries here. And here.

Audrey, Wait!
The Truth About Forever is
it’s Something Like Fate.
This World We Live In is
So Much Closer
to the Fire
than the Dawn.
Just Listen,
Hush, Hush,
The Dead And The Gone
while Rebel Angels

Across The Universe,
the Uninvited
Rot and Ruin in
The Dark And Hollow Places,
The Dead-Tossed Waves.
But Waiting For You is
a Fragile Eternity,
an Autumn Bridge,
A Northern Light.

The Last Days
like A Kiss In Time:
This Lullaby is because
I Most Wanted
Someone Like You
Along For The Ride.

Playing with books is fun. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blood Magic

By Tessa Gratton

I can't write book reviews. Since I worry about being spoilery, everything comes out sounding so generic and vague.

But I adore this book so much, I have to say something. Which is that the things I love about it are both writer things and reader things, so if you are a writer and a reader, someone who loves magic and mystery and romance in a perfectly crafted package, you should find this book and read it too.

Fall in love with the characters, enjoy the twists. And pay attention to how she effortlessly weaves in description, how there is not a word or scene out of place. And then try to do that in your books, too.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011