Monday, November 16, 2009

Writing Update

This is way overdue. Since the last time I posted an update, I've written the first draft of a brand-new novel (contemporary YA, no paranormal elements), almost completed the third draft of a novel I started around this time last year, and revised another based on some feedback I received from an agent.

I'm especially happy with the changes I made to that book. I wish I would've discovered the solution sooner, but it just took time and distance and a fresh perspective to make what the story needed obvious to me. (I have no idea what number draft this is. I've thought it was "finished" so many times before that I've lost count.) Fortunately I've been querying in little batches, so I still have plenty of places to send it. So far the feedback has been positive -- my brand-new first page was chosen as a runner-up in the most recent MSFV Secret Agent contest. Being chosen as one of the finalists was exciting, but mostly I'm happy to have finally gotten the story and my characters to where they were supposed to be.

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